10 interesting facts about Latvian language

Ten language facts you didn't know about Latvian.

Ten language facts you didn't know about Latvian:

1. Distribution area of Latvian language almost fully corresponds with the borders of the State of Latvia. There are about 1.5 million native speakers of the Latvian language. 1.38 million live in Latvia, but the rest in Russia, USA, Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Sweden, Brazil, Lithuania, Estonia and in small amounts in other countries too. Latvia is the only state in the world where Latvian has official status of the state language.

2. Latvian language belongs to the Baltic language group of the Indo-European language family. Latvian is close/similar to Lithuanian language, because of its ancient affinity roots.

3. There are three dialects in Latvian that can be divided into separate sub-dialects. The Livonian dialect (also called Tāmnieku dialekts) (1) has two varieties - Courland variety and Vidzeme variety. The Middle dialect (2) is divided into Curonian variety, Semigallian variety and Vidzeme variety. The Eastern dialect (3) is divided into Selonian variety and Non-Selonian variety.

4. Standard (also literary and/or formal) Latvian is based on the Middle dialect.

Latvijas kontūra karoga krāsās

5. The first known text written into Latvian is preserved in a catholic agenda, printed in 1507, in Leipzig. It contains handwritten passages of Lord’s prayers and these passages are known as Gisberts Lord’s Prayers.

6. In 19th century, first novels in Latvian literature are written:  “Waves of Life” (Sadzīves Viļņi) by Māteru Juris and “Times of the Land-Surveyors” (Mērnieku laiki) by brothers Kaudzītes (both in 1879).

7. Nowadays more than 200 different newspapers are published into Latvian with total annual circulation of ~ 110 million copies. Also more than 300 magazines are issued, and around 2500 books are printed with total circulation that exceed 67 million copies.

8. Most borrowings / loanwords in Latvian language come from German, Russian and English what can be explained by the past historical events of Latvia mainly.

9. Standard Latvian alphabet consists of 33 letters.

10. Standard QWERTY keyboards are used for writing in Latvian. Diacritic signs are entered by using “default key” (usually " or ~ occasionally).


All Latvian municipalities in English

Since the territorial reform of 2009 in accordance with the "Law on Administrative Territories and Populated Areas" Latvia has three types of administrative territories: 1) regions, 2) cities, and 3) municipalities. When creating or eliminating a municipality, and modifying the borders thereof, accordingly to the above mentioned law the following provisions shall be observed.

"Rīgas tulki" is a professional translation agency. Written, oral, legal, and notarial translations. Call us 25904727, 67381895 or contact via info@rigastulki.lv to receive immediate free consultation and exact pricing!

Since the territorial reform of 2009 in accordance with the "Law on Administrative Territories and Populated Areas" Latvia has three types of administrative territories: 1) regions, 2) cities, and 3) municipalities.

When creating or eliminating a municipality, and modifying the borders thereof, accordingly to the above mentioned law the following provisions shall be observed: 1) the territory of a municipality is geographically united and has rural territories and populated areas therein; 2) a municipality self-government shall ensure the fulfilment of the functions prescribed by Law; 3) there shall be at least 4000 permanent residents in the territory of a municipality;
4) there shall be a village, or a town, in the territory of a municipality, in which there are more than 2000 permanent residents; 5) the distance from any populated area in a municipality to the administrative centre of the municipality shall not exceed 50 kilometres, and the road infrastructure shall be suitable for accessing the administrative centre of the municipality; and, 6) optimum establishment of the territory of the municipality has been ensured, taking into account the interests of the neighbouring self-governments and historical links.

By adopting this reform, changes occurred not only in Latvian terminology, but also in terminology of other languages. Please, see all 109 equivalents in English below:

Aglona Municipality
Aizkraukle Municipality
Aizpute Municipality
Aknīste Municipality
Aloja Municipality
Alsunga Municipality
Alūksne Municipality
Amata Municipality
Ape Municipality
Auce Municipality
Ādaži Municipality
Babīte Municipality
Baldone Municipality
Baltinava Municipality
Balvi Municipality
Bauska Municipality
Beverīna Municipality
Brocēni Municipality
Burtnieki Municipality
Carnikava Municipality
Cēsis Municipality
Cesvaine Municipality
Cibla Municipality
Dagda Municipality
Daugavpils Municipality
Dobele Municipality
Dundaga Municipality
Durbe Municipality
Engure Municipality
Ērgļi Municipality
Garkalne Municipality
Grobiņa Municipality
Gulbene Municipality
Iecava Municipality
Ikšķile Municipality
Inčukalns Municipality
Ilūkste Municipality
Jaunjelgava Municipality
Jaunpiebalga Municipality
Jaunpils Municipality
Jēkabpils Municipality
Jelgava Municipality
Kandava Municipality
Kārsava Municipality
Koknese Municipality
Krāslava Municipality
Krimulda Municipality
Krustpils Municipality
Kuldīga Municipality
Ķegums Municipality
Ķekava Municipality
Lielvārde Municipality
Līgatne Municipality
Limbaži Municipality
Līvāni Municipality
Lubāna Municipality
Ludza Municipality
Madona Municipality
Mālpils Municipality
Mārupe Municipality
Mazsalaca Municipality
Naukšēni Municipality
Nereta Municipality
Nīca Municipality
Ogre Municipality
Olaine Municipality
Ozolnieki Municipality
Pārgauja Municipality
Pāvilosta Municipality
Pļaviņas Municipality
Preiļi Municipality
Priekule Municipality
Priekuļi Municipality
Rauna Municipality
Rēzekne Municipality
Riebiņi Municipality
Roja Municipality
Ropaži Municipality
Rucava Municipality
Rugāji Municipality
Rundāle Municipality
Rūjiena Municipality
Salacgrīva Municipality
Sala Municipality
Salaspils Municipality
Saldus Municipality
Saulkrasti Municipality
Sēja Municipality
Sigulda Municipality
Skrīveri Municipality
Skrunda Municipality
Smiltene Municipality
Stopiņi Municipality
Strenči Municipality
Talsi Municipality
Tērvete Municipality
Tukums Municipality
Vaiņode Municipality
Valka Municipality
Valmiera Municipality
Varakļāni Municipality
Vārkava Municipality
Vecpiebalga Municipality
Vecumnieki Municipality
Ventspils Municipality
Viesīte Municipality
Viļaka Municipality
Viļāni Municipality
Zilupe Municipality

Latvijas 109 novadu karte latviešu valodā

Map of all 109 Latvian municipalities in Latvian

SOURCE: http://www.likumi.lv/doc.php?id=185993

"Rīgas tulki" is a professional translation agency. Written, oral, legal, and notarial translations. Call us 25904727, 67381895 or contact via info@rigastulki.lv to receive immediate free consultation and exact pricing!


LAS has adopted new terminology (09.09.2011)

During the meeting (09.09.2011) of Terminology Commission of Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) is adopted new official English-Latvian terms.

"Rīgas tulki" is a professional translation agency. Written, oral, legal, and notarial translations. Call us 25904727, 67381895 or contact via info@rigastulki.lv to receive immediate free consultation and exact pricing!

During the meeting (09.09.2011) of Terminology Commission of Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) are adopted the following Latvian terms.

From English into Latvian as to the standard ISO 23820-20 are adopted the following terms:

system documentation - sistēmas dokumentācija

evaluation report - novērtējuma atskaite

user manual / user's guide - lietotāja rokasgrāmata

system description - sistēmas apraksts

decision table - lemšanas tabula

program specification - programmas specifikācija

developmental baseline - izstrādes pamats

program maintenance manual - programmas uzturēšanas rokasgrāmata

test plan - testēšanas plāns

system test and evaluation plan - sistēmas testēšanas un novērtēšanas plāns

project - projekts

project management - projekta vadība

project planning - projekta plānošana

project control - projekta uzraudzība

network chart - tīkla diagramma

network planning - tīklplānošana

project specification - projekta specifikācija

configuration control board - konfigurācijas uzraudzības padome

As to the standard ISO 2382-23 are approved the following Latvian equivalents:

text - teksts

text processing / word processing - teksta apstrāde

text processor / word processor - teksta procesors

text editing / editing (in text processing) - teksta rediģēšana / rediģēšana (teksta apstrādē)

document (in text processing) - dokuments (teksta apstrādē)

draft copy - melnraksts

document architecture - dokumentu arhitektūra

document profile - dokumenta profils

layout object - izkārtojuma objekts

logical object - loģisks objekts

format (in text processing) - formāts (teksta apstrādē) / formatējums

formatting (in text processing) - formatēšana (teksta apstrādē)

line / line of text - rinda / rindiņa

baseline / reference line - atskaites līnija

line spacing / rindstarpa

text area / type area - rakstlaukums / teksta spogulis

block (in text processing) - bloks (teksta apstrādē)

pictorial character - attēlrakstzīme

automatic footnote tie-in - automātiska vēres piesaistīšana

For the present terms are not included into Academic term database Akadterm yet, though considering the protocol Nr. 379 adopted during the meeting translators already now are kindly advised to use above mentioned newly approved terminology.

SOURCE: http://termini.letonika.lv/uploads/protokols379.pdf

"Rīgas tulki" is a professional translation agency. Written, oral, legal, and notarial translations. Call us 25904727, 67381895 or contact via info@rigastulki.lv to receive immediate free consultation and exact pricing!

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