LAS has adopted new terminology (09.09.2011)
"Rīgas tulki" is a professional translation agency. Written, oral, legal, and notarial translations. Call us 25904727, 67381895 or contact via to receive immediate free consultation and exact pricing! During the meeting (09.09.2011) of Terminology Commission of Latvian Academy of Sciences (LAS) are adopted the following Latvian terms.From English into Latvian as to the standard ISO 23820-20 are adopted the following terms: system documentation - sistēmas dokumentācija evaluation report - novērtējuma atskaite user manual / user's guide - lietotāja rokasgrāmata system description - sistēmas apraksts decision table - lemšanas tabula program specification - programmas specifikācija developmental baseline - izstrādes pamats program maintenance manual - programmas uzturēšanas rokasgrāmata test plan - testēšanas plāns system test and evaluation plan - sistēmas testēšanas un novērtēšanas plāns project - projekts project management - projekta vadība project planning - projekta plānošana project control - projekta uzraudzība network chart - tīkla diagramma network planning - tīklplānošana project specification - projekta specifikācija configuration control board - konfigurācijas uzraudzības padomeAs to the standard ISO 2382-23 are approved the following Latvian equivalents: text - teksts text processing / word processing - teksta apstrāde text processor / word processor - teksta procesors text editing / editing (in text processing) - teksta rediģēšana / rediģēšana (teksta apstrādē) document (in text processing) - dokuments (teksta apstrādē) draft copy - melnraksts document architecture - dokumentu arhitektūra document profile - dokumenta profils layout object - izkārtojuma objekts logical object - loģisks objekts format (in text processing) - formāts (teksta apstrādē) / formatējums formatting (in text processing) - formatēšana (teksta apstrādē) line / line of text - rinda / rindiņa baseline / reference line - atskaites līnija line spacing / rindstarpa text area / type area - rakstlaukums / teksta spogulis block (in text processing) - bloks (teksta apstrādē) pictorial character - attēlrakstzīme automatic footnote tie-in - automātiska vēres piesaistīšana For the present terms are not included into Academic term database Akadterm yet, though considering the protocol Nr. 379 adopted during the meeting translators already now are kindly advised to use above mentioned newly approved terminology. SOURCE: "Rīgas tulki" is a professional translation agency. Written, oral, legal, and notarial translations. Call us 25904727, 67381895 or contact via to receive immediate free consultation and exact pricing!
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